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David Siegel

Hi Herctor. In the photo, the guys are reinstalling the overhead I made last year.

The boards are PVC, 8′ in length. However, I cut them into shorter sections so they would not flex uncontrollably in the installation. Cutting them to fit, using the original overhead panels as templates, was quite challenging, and there was a lot of wastage, so be sure to buy plenty. Part of the cutting challenge was that the original panels had spaces between them, but I had to make the new overhead continuous or I never would have been able to get the grooves to line up. So I butted up several strips to make a wide enough panel to lay 2 side by side overhead panels on them, trying to approximate the space that had been left. This was challenging because those spaces were not exact in the first place–they didn’t have to be–and my approximation introduced more errors.

Here’s a photo of the cabin before it was disassembled to enable rebedding deck hardware. The dome nuts that you see were for through bolting mast pulpit bases. The real nuts are under the overhead. The bolts have now been cut back and we are covering the holes with new dome lights.


  • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by David Siegel.
  • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by David Siegel.
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